Using the Meetero


This document will explain how to use Meetero to meet new people and the implications involved in the way you use it, which differs from a typical and simple dating site.

Meetero, a Social Media to Meet New People and Implications

Meetero is very different from a typical dating site you can find nowadays. In a special manner:

  • It doesn't fall into gender favoritism. We do not force men to receive positive feedback from women on order to be able to contact them and we'll guarantee that women will find quality men on top of all others, since our system discourages men that are not serious, abusive or unpleasant. How we do that? Well, this is one of our secret sauces.
  • You are not foced to use the app in a specific way, such as looking for partners near you. On Meetero, you can look for who you want, where you want and for whatever reason you want. Meetero is especially perfect for travelers and anyone who would like to meet people in unusual places will find a perfect fit. But it is still a suitable tool to meet nearby people.
  • Also, Meetero is the only place that has no interest in showing you ads. Most other social media and dating site, not only rely on them, but they do it in a way that compromises their users experiences. A typical dating site doesn't really care if you find what they are looking for, as long as you continue to see their ads. Monetization is important to anyone, but not to the point to alter the business model. Our mission is helping users to find the people they are looking for. And this will be fullfilled by design, business logic and business model, since the beginning.
  • Meetero favors human support over automatization. We automate only a few basic, obvious aspects, but we put as much human emphasis as possible in every other. We know that, as the number of users increases, it is almost impossible to provide 100% human support, but we surely do it more than any other website.
  • Meetero uses a sophisticated, multi-layered ranking system (including artificial intelligence), ensuring that the user always gets the best results for every search he or she performs. While the details of these systems are obviously a secret, they are well described along this page and the other public and legal pages of this website/app.
  • Finally, don't forget that Meetero is a social media to meet new people, then it is more than a simple dating site. It also has additional social media features that will only increase over time. The difference is important, although it may not seem so. Being focused more socially than commercially, its purpose is broader, involving more use cases than a more constrictive commercial dating site, only interested to invading you with ads or charging you with uncomfortable monthly subscription fees. The usual dating sites would not make money if they gave you the same freedom that only a true social media to meet new people may provide.

So what are the best uses cases and the best way to use it so to ensure the maximum benefit and success rates for users?

Our original and initial purpose was to provide a quality service for the frequent traveler, who visits many places for a short or a moderately long time and knows nobody in these places. Notice that the “place” is not necessarily a foreign country. It may be a new city in your country, a new social circle or a vacational place. In general, we call this “the unusual context scenario”. And this is more common for men. The other face of this scenario are local people wanting to know new people from different places. This scenario is more common for women, and this would complete the picture.

Another typical use case is meeting nearby people. This is the only scenario that is common to all the dating sites around. As Meetero is a general purpose meeting social media, it is also suitable to be used that way, since we don't forbid it in our rules. We call this the “meeting nearby people scenario”.

And third, you may be interested only in some kind of people. Maybe you may like to meet a lawyer or a physician, for example. You may search people by their profession or skills because you want to make a team, or you are looking for collaboration in any kind of activity. This is called the “find collaboration scenario”.

The use cases we just mentioned are the most usual, but you can use Meetero for any other possible case, as long as this does not violate our rules and our acceptable use policies and as long that it doesn't violate any law. Clearly, we provide a social service, and we are not responsible for the consequences of misuse. For further details please refer to our terms and conditions. Also taking a look of our safety tips might be useful.

Now that you know the use scenarios, let discuss some basic rules. In order to get an account on and keep it, you must:

  • Have the legal age in your country to be considered as master of your free will. If you are minor and someone else must decide for you, you are not suitable to get an account here yet.
  • Have a valid and a working email address (by working, we mean an email that is suitable to receive a basic communication from a website without having excessive filtering or poorly configured anti-spam policies). The user must confirm his or her email address in order to go further, just like in any other website or social media.
  • Once your account is activated you still need to make it valid. You should provide the basic information needed to use our service, that is, your birthdate, your country, state or region and city, your gender and what you are looking for (male, female or any). You can specify a personal ad now or later and provide a profile picture. These latter are optional but strongly suggested. Profiles with pictures and personal ads are three time more successful. As we say in our privacy notice, your birthdate will not be shown on your profile, and it is just used to calculate your age and keep it updated, which will be shown.
  • And finally you are ready to go! Your basic account is ready. You can complete your profile any time you want, and we suggest you to do so as much as possible because profile completion is one of the ranking factors we use to rate quality users.

In general, if you want to be a successful user, you must have a complete profile, have affinity with other users and a reasonable margin of popularity, that is, you should get visited, rated or contacted. What does it mean to have affinity? If your profile matches to what people search the most, you will have a greater affinity. But keep into account that people search and like different things, often opposite. Don't try to lie because you think you will have more affinity with most people. No matter who you are, you will always be more compatible with some people and less with others. Therefore, be sincere, so people having more real affinity with you will eventually come first in your searches.

User ranking is not always universal. A user may have a score in your searches and a different score in another user's searches. Some scores are valid for all the users but affinity scores are always in function to the user who is searching.

Obviously the details of these algorithms are secret, but they work that way. For those reasons, it is important to get a complete profile, it is important to come online often, visit profiles and interact with people. This is indicator that you are a good user.

Finally try to get and keep a good reputation. If you bother people, if you make an unauthorized use of our website, or you violate any of our guidelines, your reputation will suffer. Some violations may involve a temporary or permanent ban or a suspension of your account. You will find more information about this in our Terms and Conditions and some others in our Policies of Acceptable Use.

You are not allowed to use Meetero for purpose others than get in touch with new people with the idea to meet them. Please, see our Terms and Conditions for more details.


This document provided only information about basic essential use. More details about the way Meetero works could be found in our Introduction to Meetero (click here), our FAQ (here), in our Privacy Notices (here), our Safety Tips (here), and even in our Terms and Conditions (here) or our Policies of Acceptable Use (here). These documents are not only legal documents, they also contain additional insights about how Meetero works and the best way to use it.

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